Letter to Ann Arbor City Council re. WBWC Comments on East Medical Bridge Project
Please find attached a letter WBWC sent to Ann Arbor City Council concerning the East Medical Bridge Project. WBWC Comments on East...
WBWC feedback on Ypsilanti's Non-Motorized Transportation Plan
WBWC submitted feedback to the City of Ypsilanti concerning its Non-Motorized Transportation Plan. Please see our feedback attached. The...
Letter to Ann Arbor City Council re. Resolution to Support increased Bike Lane Level-of-Service
Please find attached a letter WBWC sent to Ann Arbor City Council concerning Resolution CA-2 (to Appropriate Funds and to Amend the...
Letter to Ypsilanti City Council re. Resolution to reconfigure two intersections
Please find attached a letter WBWC sent to Ypsilanti City Council concerning Resolution No. 2021-046 (reconfiguration of two...
WBWC Statement on Resolution DC-3 rescinding required Council approval for traffic lane reductions
Dear Mayor Taylor and Ann Arbor City Council, We write to express our support for Resolution DC-3. We believe adoption of this resolution...
Please join the WBWC for our Annual Meeting on November 11, 2020
Please join the Washtenaw Bicycling & Walking Coalition for our Annual Meeting! At this meeting, we'll Socialize with other members of...
WBWC supports City of Ann Arbor Proposals A and B
The Washtenaw Bicycling & Walking Coalition (WBWC) urges Ann Arbor voters to support Proposals A and B that appear on this fall’s ballot....
Statement on Resolutions DC-3 and DC-4 regarding the Dissolution of the Ann Arbor DDA
The Washtenaw Bicycling & Walking Coalition (WBWC) has serious concerns regarding the two resolutions to dissolve the Ann Arbor Downtown...
Statement on the Ann Arbor Resolution to End the Healthy Streets Initiative Outside of the Downtown
Below is a statement from the WBWC board on DC-7, "Resolution to End the Healthy Streets Initiative Outside of the Downtown," at this...
Statement Regarding County Road Millage Renewal on August 2020 Ballot
The Washtenaw Bicycling & Walking Coalition (WBWC) strongly encourages residents of Washtenaw County to vote to renew the expiring road...