We need a strong membership base to speak with a loud voice-- add your name to the important work we do on behalf of all walkers & bikers in the County! Memberships last from Jan 1-Dec 31 & members who join after September 1 will receive a membership into the following calendar year.
Sign up below or print a mail-in membership form here to mail us a check.
Support the WBW by becoming a member!

Membership Levels






Recurring Annual Memberships
Join a growing number of members who set up auto-renewal! Subscribe today at any level of your choice and automatically be billed the same amount this time next year. If you change your mind you can opt out at any time.
We've partnered with the League of Michigan Bicyclists to offer discounted joint memberships!

Joint Student Membership: $25 ($5 savings!)
Joint Individual Membership: $60 ($5 savings!)
Joint Family Membership: $85 ($10 savings!)
The LMB's mission is to promote bicycling & the safety of bicyclists on the roadways of Michigan. LMB is a non-profit, tax-exempt statewide membership organization working to improve conditions for bicycling in Michigan. Learn more at lmb.org.
Because the WBW is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit you'll receive a tax-deductible receipt for your membership contribution.
Family, Benefactor, and Patron memberships receive 2 membership cards.
Partner Shops - Show your membership card & save!
Let us know at info@wbwc.org if there's a business you'd like to see added.