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Gaps in Ann Arbor’s Trail System

July, 2023

Closing the B2B Trail gaps near Fuller and Maiden Lane in Ann Arbor is a countywide priority and should continue to be a local priority.  There is interest on the Huron Waterloo Pathways Initiative (HWPI) board and the Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation Commission in providing funding for this work.  But neither organization is currently willing to commit to this work until Ann Arbor recommits to it.  If the city does nothing, this funding may become unavailable.


HWPI is developing its fundraising plans for finishing the B2B Trail.  There are currently slots in the plans for all of the unfinished segments everywhere in the county except in Ann Arbor.  The HWPI board understandably does not want to raise and allocate funds without a local partner.


Likewise, the county Parks & Rec Commission has ongoing responsibility for allocating B2B Trail funding and has an upcoming millage renewal.  The county needs a local partner.  It would be good for the city to act while plans are being made.


HWPI and county funding is covering about 2/3 of the cost of the railroad underpass between Bandemer and Barton Parks.  A similar cost share may be possible for the gaps near Fuller, and funds may be available from MDOT, SEMCOG transportation allocations, the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund, and other sources.


An appropriate commitment from Ann Arbor would be a City Council resolution that would:

  • restate the 2015 Council resolution (with any needed updates);

  • commit to doing a rough conceptual design in 2024;

  • commit to beginning the engineering design work within one year of the completion of the Bandemer-Barton underpass;

  • commit to beginning construction within one year of the completion of the design work.

B2B gaps in Ann Arbor















What you can do
If you would like to help, you can contact your City Council representatives (email addresses and phone numbers are here). If you wish, you can make use of the material above and the linked material to express your concerns. Please use your own words and be civil. Council members share many of the concerns discussed here. If you would like more information, you can email Walk Bike Washtenaw via the info@ address on the “Contact” tab at

B2B Gaps.JPG
Map 1 planned trail.JPG
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