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WBWC Statement on Resolution DC-3 rescinding required Council approval for traffic lane reductions

Dear Mayor Taylor and Ann Arbor City Council,

We write to express our support for Resolution DC-3. We believe adoption of this resolution will help promote a safe, environmentally sustainable, and equitable transportation network for all road users in Ann Arbor.

In April of 2019, the Washtenaw Bicycling & Walking Coalition (WBWC) raised concerns about the potential consequences of a new policy that would require City Council approval for projects that included lane reductions. Indeed, two of three important lane-reduction projects considered under the new policy were voted down by Council and hindered community efforts toward a more safe and inclusive transportation network. Council took these actions with respect to the Green Road and Earhart Road projects despite strong support from transportation experts, City staff, local advocates, as well as the Ann Arbor Transportation Commission. We believe that by removing this barrier, Ann Arbor can move forward with future projects that will improve safety for all road users.

We urge your support for this resolution.

Thank you for your service to Ann Arbor.


The WBWC Board of Directors

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