City Of Ann Arbor Testing Protected Bike Lane
More on this from the City of Ann Arbor… The City will be implementing a traffic pilot on Monday (10/17) on North Fifth Avenue between Detroit and Kingsley, which will be in place until November 15. We are testing the impact of reducing North Fifth to one lane, as our traffic model indicates it should work. Reducing the area to one travel lane should improve pedestrian access in the Kerrytown area.
During the pilot, we will be maintaining the bike lane, but it will be a scenario that is not common in Ann Arbor. The bike lane will be maintained in its current location, but will be buffered from traffic by parked cars – the current southbound right travel lane will be converted to parking during the pilot. The parking will be striped wider than normal to accommodate poor parking and to try to provide a buffer to prevent bikes from being doored. The final design would incorporate a striped buffer between the bikes and cars for this purpose, but for the pilot, we can’t incorporate that level of detail.
The City will install a plastic mountable curb with delineators to close the right travel lane to cars. Bicyclists should keep to the right of these and continue in the bike lane, which will not be blocked by these.
For a PDF diagram of this project click here.