Now offering joint memberships with the League of Michigan Bicyclists!
The WBWC has partnered with the League of Michigan Bicyclists(LMB) to offer discounted joint memberships!

Now you can save by becoming a member of the WBWC and the LMB at the same time! Join/Renew today to continue supporting the important advocacy work done by both organizations at a county and state level.
Joint Individual Membership - $60 (Save $5!)
Joint Family Membership - $85 (Save $10!)
The LMB's mission is to promote bicycling & the safety of bicyclists on the roadways of Michigan. LMB is a non-profit, tax-exempt statewide membership organization working to improve conditions for bicycling in Michigan. LMB supports many programs & projects & cooperates with state & local agencies & other like-minded groups toward this goal. Learn more at