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WBWC Priority Projects Interactive Map


The interactive map of priority projects shows current Washtenaw Bicycling and Walking Coalition (WBWC) priorities for improvements to bicycling and walking facilities in Washtenaw County. The map also shows selected existing facilities for context, including some that have been built in recent years and have been WBWC priorities.



The choice of priorities is guided by these principles...:

Connection of centers of population, employment, education, shopping, and recreation.

Completion of the Border-to-Border Trail as a backbone.

Accommodation of the transportation needs of people without cars, with low income, or with disabilities.

Countywide significance.

Near-term feasibility.

Presence in current plans.


There is no attempt to numerically weight the principles or to suggest an implementation order or relative significance of the projects.


Using the map

• How to use -- Instructions on how to use the map are in the legend; click on the arrow on the right to expand the instructions; scroll down and up in the box to see the material.


• Coding -- Feature types are coded by color and line width. The legend shows the colors in “balloons” rather than as lines because of software limitations.


• “B2B” -- This is an acronym for the Border-to-Border Trail, the cross-county greenway under development along and near the Huron River.


Additional information

WBWC also has a document that lists these priority projects along with supportive policies and other information.

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